Exmormonology Ep. 109 My Conversation w/ Allison Crow, Author & Life Coach
I am excited to share with all y'all wildflowers a conversation I have with my friend and fellow life coach Allison Crow. Allison just released her new book Unarmored: Finding Home in the Wild Edges of Being Human. Allison was raised a devout Christian in the south, Texas. Although not raised mormon, Allison has experienced her own faith crisis. I know you will love our discussion and we ebb and flow about life and heartbreak and healing and busting out of the "being a made up woman my religion taught me to be," type of thinking.
Exmormonology Ep. 108 Thoughts & Things & Stuff
The title of this Exmormonology Episode sums up this week's episode, it is a little bit all over the place, but as you listen I have a feeling you will understand. I tap into some pretty tender emotions and I want to share them with you in hopes that you can relate and see and hear what healing sounds like. Healing does not mean you have landed at the top of healing mountain where rainbows and butterflies live forever and ever and you dance around in gleeful joy and you no longer feel grief, pain or heartache. It means that you learn to hold the space for the tender side of healing and you do not make it mean that anything has gone wrong or that you are not healing. Healing ebbs and flows. Healing takes time. Remember wildflower, there is no rush and no race to this process. Just you and all the time you need. Thank you for letting me walk this path with you. Grab a cup a something and a blanket and maybe even a tissue and let's talk, you and me. Exmormon / Post Mormon / Life beyond mormonism.
Exmormonology Ep. 107 ~ Amazing You
Do you ever take the time to celebrate yourself and your amazingness? I am going to guess that you do not do this enough. This week I want to talk about why this is important and how easy it is to overlook it. You have experienced a faith crisis, paradigm shift and you are rethinking most everything in your life. Let's work on shaking it up a bit. Life is good.
Exmormonology Ep. 106 T is for Trigger Thanksgiving
This week's episode is a twofer, maybe a threefer! A few topics blended together as we head into the holidays. Family. The void. Faith crisis v. awakening. Thoughts and feelings oh my! You have some decisions to make this time of year.
Exmormonology Ep. 105 ~ Breakdown
Hey all of you faith transition/faith crisis wildflower...has this happened to you?
You have been through, what you thought was the worst of your faith crisis and then one day something happens and it brings it all back. You breakdown. All the work you thought you had done feels like it is erased and you find yourself in a heap of tears, yet again. Faith crisis, faith transition, and moving on is a life long process. Learning how to let those days of breakdown be a part of life and not take over is a key to healing. Nothing has gone wrong if you have a breakdown. Tune in this week as I take you through one of my many breakdowns post faith crisis.
Exmormonology Ep. 104 Money & My Interview with Money Mindset Coach Natasha Tekeste
Continuting our conversation about money with Money Mindset Coach Natasha Tekeste.
Natasha Tekeste is a money mindset coach for women and people socialized as women who want to earn more money. She works with women who want to shift their beliefs around money and wealth so they can leave the drama behind and focus on actually doing the work that they love to do. She teaches people how to love the money they have, while also loving the process of earning and creating more – because it is possible for money to be easy & fun!
Natasha is an Advanced Certified Life Coach. She has a buiness degree from the University of Alberta, a master's degree in Adult Education from the University of Calgary, and a certificate in mediation & negotiation from York University. She is a Chartered Professional in Human Resources with over 10 years of HR work experience.
Instagram @natashatekeste
Exmormonology Ep. 103 MONEY
Leaving mormonism creates and an opportunity to rewrite every area of your life, your money story included. Have you spent anytime exploring why you think the way you do about money? Or do you just accept the fact (not fact) that you are doomed and it is what it is? One area of your life you may not have connected the dots with, post faith transition, is how your brain thinks about money because of your religious and social conditioning.
Exmormonology Ep. 102 I Am Back (grounding tool)
When your thoughts get on the loose, what do you do? Do you believe those thoughts and go down the self loathing rabbit hole? Grounding tools help you get present and not stuck in the past or future. Here is a little tool to help pull you out of that stuck frame of mind. Also, Wildflower Weekend! We had amazing weekend and I want you there next year. When you plan your life out, do you schedule time for your healing and growth? If not, why? Change that up wildflower. Let's go!
Exmormonology Ep. 101 ~ The Bully
Do not underestimate the power of your brain. All healing starts with you, your brain and your emotions. One of meanest things we can do to ourselves is be our own bully. This week I want to talk to you about actual bullying and self bullying. The thoughts going through your brain are optional. What thoughts take center stage of your own brain? Do you speak kind words to yourself or words you would never say to a friend? Do you even notice? I want you to start paying attention. We cannot change anything in our lives if we are completely unaware. Pay attention to your thought soundtrack wildflower.
Exmormonology Bonus ~ Wildflower Weekend
Do you trust yourself? I know that can be a loaded question, but when one grows up in a high demand religion and has been taught to put their trust in a curated higher/church authority, it can be a tricky question to answer.
This year at Wildflower Weekend we will be slowing down time and focusing on you and a few of your biggest struggles. I imagine, if you feel stuck in any area of your life, it is because you are not trusting your ability to have your own back, no matter what. You are letting the fear of a projected future feeling keep you frozen. After this weekend you will feel more confident to make needed changes in your life and take the steps required to get unstuck with any struggle you find yourself in.
Set aside September 30th-Oct. 2nd in SLC, Utah. Wildflowers are flying in from around the states and even Canada. Come join us! Let's have a groovy healing and productive time together.
Exmormonology Ep. 100 What Is The Proper Response? An Essay by Amy Logan
It is my 100th Exmormonology Episode! I am excited to share this particular episode with you. I decided to write an essay and read it to you this time around. As exmembers of the church we often hear the same responses to our faith crisis and leaving the church, over and over again. I have seen patterns in the way members of the church respond to us. I will be addressing these repeated responses in this essay. I poised it as a an essay to members of the church, but it is really for you and all the things we want to say when we hear the same rhetoric over and over.
A quote from my essay…“The conversation stops when the scripted responses begin, because critical thinking has ended.”
Exmormonology Ep. 99 ~ When Your Brain Is Ready
When is your brain ready to go down the rabbit hole? We each have our own experience and come to our awakening in our own time. I had signs along the way, relating to the church, but my brain was not ready to see it. Much like marketing and needing to see/hear something 7 times or more before we start making connections about certain issues or products or ? I want you to start looking for other areas of your life where you can maybe short cut this process. What are you not believing about yourself that you need a few nudges to see yourself in a different light, just like seeing the church in a different light? What areas of your life can you make similar paradigm shifts? Let’s talk about it this week on Exmormonology.
Exmormonology Ep. 98 Keep Showing Up
Pick your favorite musician and think about how many times they have performed the same songs over and over and over. Do you think they want to show up and sing each and every night, EVEN THO they love being in a band? My guess is no, not every time. However, they do it, night after night. What areas in your life are you not showing up, even tho you signed up for it? Let's dig into this topic. Also discussed in this episode...2nd Annual Wildflower Weekend, Airborne Toxic Event, Stake Dances, P!nk, and all things Exmormonology.
Exmormonology Ep. 97 Reproductive Health, Roe v. Wade and Thought Work
I hope you will tune in to Exmormonology this week. This is one of my favorite episodes of thus far. I hope it is helpful for you as you work through all the feelings coming up for you.
Please share with anyone, exmo or not, that is struggling with the mountain of feelings that have come up from the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade.
This week on Exmormonology I dive into the overturning of Roe v. Wade and how we desperately need thought work to help us through what will be quite the fight.
You will need time to process your emotions and then you will need to figure out how to create new thoughts that help you out of hopelessness. New thoughts that keep you out of stuckville. You are capable of doing this, it is possible.
It is okay if right now you are in shock and feel overwhelming depressed and angry. I understand these emotions, we dance together often. I am doing this work too, wildflower.
Exmormonology Ep. 96 Time & Your Relation With It
Do you find yourself saying....I need to hurry. I gotta get it done. I am so busy. I never have enough time. I wish there was more time in the day. Wildflower, if you find yourself saying these words, this episode is for you. Our experience growing up in a culture focused on forever and the next life may be playing a bigger part in your life than you know. Let's explore the construct of time and you can slow down and enjoy more moments in THIS life.
Exmormonology Ep. 95 Abortion, A Conversation w/ Amanda Kingsley
We do not back away from hard conversations here on Exmormonology and with the pending reversal of Roe V. Wade, I wanted to talk about Abortion. I have invited Amanda Kingsley to be a guest today. Amanda Kingsley is a Certified Feminist Life Coach and Doula. She is the host of the Speaking Light Into Abortion podcast. And the Author of ‘What I Wish: 100 love notes to help you survive, come alive, and thrive after abortion.’ After her own unanticipated abortion as a mother of three, she recognized the need for a wider conversation around the complex emotional landscape of life after abortion. She reminds her audience that it’s okay to feel all the feelings after abortion, and that we can honor our decisions by living the life we made our choice for. You can learn more and connect with her at www.amandastarkingsley.com
Exmormonology Ep. 94 Happy Pride & I Don’t Know Who I Would Be
Happy Pride Month! I celebrate you and love you so much! This week let's talk about showing up authentically and why it is so hard to do so. Remember the phrase we have heard over and over at church..."I don't know who I would be without the church in my life?" What??? Let's change that verbiage. That thought is not helpful as you navigate this new road. New roads require new thoughts. Let's go!
Exmormonology Ep. 93 Forever and Ever
Have you stopped to think about how the concept of "forever" may be tripping you up? If you have been raised in a religious faith tradition, you know the theology around forever is a regular topic of conversation. Making it back to heaven, to live with God, is the whole point of this life. We are being tested, right? You may have left your religion, but have you examined whether those thoughts you have tied to "forever" may be affecting your thoughts and feelings in subconscious ways, in THIS life? I want to talk all about how the concept of forever may be playing tricks on your brain.
Exmormonology Ep. 92 Trust Issues
If you have experienced any kind of betrayal, abandonment, manipulation, etc. you may have uttered the words "I have trust issues." I know there is a lot to this topic and your life is very multilayered, but today I want to talk to you about why it may be time to change up that phrase. Every time your brain thinks, I have trust issues and you believe it, you have trust issues. You make it true. By doing this you most likely build up a huge wall around your heart and you don't let anyone in and therefore you keep stuck in the round and round of having trust issues. Let's do some thought work around this issue and how you can turn it around and start trusting yourself.
Exmormonology Ep. 91 ~ Dream Big
A little bit of tough love coming your way this week via Exmormonology.
You hold all the power inside of you to create the life you want, yet your brain is stuck on the hamster wheel of thoughts that tell you you can't.
Stop it!
Stop believing those thoughts. I am going to tell you exactly how to do that this week. Buckle up!