Exmormonology Ep.63 Words

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Oh boy!!! It was a big week in mormon / exmormon dom. Amiright?! I have things to say. But you knew that I would!

Jeffery R. Holland said words and we are going to talk about it. Yep, we are going THERE. I want to offer love, compassion and some coaching on Holland's speech given at BYU's welcome to the 2021/22 academic school year program.

Learning to manage your mind does not mean you do not get fired up or angry about things, as you will hear in my voice as we navigate this speech. Learning to manage your mind is about learning to process those feelings ( listen to Exmormonology Ep. 3 & 61 & 62) and then channel your emotions in the direction you want to go.

Let's dive into this very emotionally charged speech given at BYU on Monday August 23, 2021.


Exmormonology Ep. 64 The Recovering Good Girl


Exmormonology Ep. 62 Underneath The Anger