Exmormonology Ep. 61 Anger
If you are experiencing a faith/truth/identity crisis in any form, but especially from religious trauma, you have felt anger.
This week in Exmormonology I break anger down for you and explain what is going on and why. A religious faith crisis is not just about your view of God, it is about each and every aspect of your life. When the foundation of your faith comes crashing down, its ripple effects are far and wide. We often think we should just be able to snap out of it. Other people in our lives think the same thing. I mean, come on, if you had a nickel for every time you heard…
“you can leave the church but you can leave it alone”
you would have a lot of nickels! ;)
But seriously, leaving your high demand, lifestyle, cultural religion is not easy. As a matter of fact it is hard as the hell they have painted for you, religiously speaking. It makes sense that you are mad about it. Then, you are told to not be so mad and that makes you more mad!!!
“THEY” do not understand what you are experiencing and in a weird way you don’t want them to have to experience what it ACTUALLY feels like, but then you do. I imagine you ping pong back and forth about that one.
It is complex to say the least.
Next week I will follow up with what is under the anger. To sum it up.....everything. Anger is okay. Anger is telling you there is something wrong. Listen to it, let it be there and know when it is time to do something about it.