Exmormonology Ep. 45 Feeding The Fear

Exmormonology Ep. 45 ~ Feeding The Fear

Exmormonology Ep. 45 ~ Feeding The Fear

Fear is a powerful feeling. It can consume us and keep us stuck in so many areas in our life. Religions, including Mormonism, use fear to keep people in line, in the boat, and doubting your doubts. You don't see this, until you see it.

Fear is a powerful feeling. It can consume us and keep us stuck in so many areas in our life.

Religions, including Mormonism, use fear to keep people in line, in the boat, and doubting your doubts. You don't see this, until you see it.

When one leaves the mormon faith, they start to see the effect fear has played in their life. But, then fear is so powerful that it works to keep you frozen….still. Fear keeps doing what it does.

You and your brain are in a little battle. It is hard to see because the “feeling” of fear is so strong and can be so paralyzing.When you sit down with your fear and let it be there, without making it mean anything about you, you are beginning to break the fear cycle.

Let's talk about how we "feed the fear" with our looping thought patterns created from our ancestor's need to survive and our religious and social conditioning we are living, right now, in our lifetime. Let's dive into Exmormonology Ep. 45.


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