Exmormonology Ep. 32 Modesty and Garments


Exmormonology Ep. 32 is all about Modesty. Growing up, in and through mormonism, you have been influenced by all the lessens, scriptures, conference talks, parent messages and mormon culture, that comes with all the conditioning we experienced, even when we do not even see it as conditioning, while we are in it.

Exmormonology Ep. 32 is all about Modesty.

Growing up, in and through mormonism, you have been influenced by all the lessens, scriptures, conference talks, parent messages and mormon culture, that comes with all the conditioning we experienced, even when we do not even see it as conditioning, while we are in it. We see it as normal. 

This is true for the conditioning we have experienced around modesty. We were taught that we, girls and women, are responsible for the thoughts boys/men may have about our bodies and how we dress.

Mix religious conditioning and society messages and we have the perfect cocktail for messed up body image, shame and mental torture we put on ourselves, to hide ourselves.

We spend so much time trying to make sure we are covered up, that we end up covering up our authentic self.


Exmormonology Ep. 33 Post Mormon Decision Making


Exmormonology Ep. 31 Hiking Half Dome and YOUR Faith Crisis