Exmormonology Ep. 23 Post Mormon Self Confidence


Post mormon brain often needs a little TLC in the self confidence department. You have busted through a huge paradigm and some of the side effects of this new world view may involve a bit of gun shyness. Let's continue to use that paradigm busting muscle in other areas of your life.


Can we scooch in close for a bit?

Post mormon brain often needs a little TLC in the self confidence department. You have busted through a huge paradigm and some of the side effects of this new world view may involve a bit of gun shyness.

Let's continue to use that paradigm busting muscle in other areas of your life as well.

You have evidence of your own self confidence, yet when you set out to do something new, all your old stories come to the forefront and try to shut you down.

Let me walk you though why this happens and teach you how to rebuild and boost your self confidence going forward.

Take notes! 


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