Exmormonology Ep. 17 What Uchtdorf Said


Is there a good side when a mormon apostle casts us apostates in a negative light? I think yes. Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Calling all headstrong and unruly wildflowers! Come on over and sit by me, we can be friends.

Is there a good side to when a mormon apostle casts us apostates in a negative light? I think yes, absolutely. It reconfirms all that I think about the men who run this church. Resorting to name call is quite telling.

“…Even those, who, like a headstrong, unruly child, become angry with God and his church, pack their bags and storm out the door proclaiming that they are running away and never coming back…” (damn straight!)

I actually laughed out loud when I first heard Uchtdorf speak about us apostates in such a derogatory way. When the church leaders speak about us, in this way, they are really grasping at straws.

I wish we could see the numbers of people leaving the mormon church. Wouldn’t that be fascinating?

Until then, we can speculate and bask in the headstrong and unruly parts of our personality that we needed in order to walk through the painful process of a faith crisis.

Be proud of yourself, beautiful wildflower. Life is just getting started.

Let’s talk about it in this weeks Exmormonology!


Exmormonology Ep. 18 Mormons and Funeral Potatoes


Exmormonology Ep. 16 Unorthodox and General Conference and Fear