Exmormonology Ep. 02 Giving Yourself Permission


One of the scariest things to do along this faith crisis journey, is to actually give yourself permission to follow the gut feeling that you have that something is not right about the church. All those little (or not so little) nagging feelings are there for a reason. You have been conditioned to push doubt away. It makes total sense that you have been trying to ignore something that “the church” is telling you is from the devil.

Giving yourself permission to begin a journey that you have no idea where you are going or where you will end up can feel very daunting. Many of us spin in the space right before the beginning, for awhile.

Let's talk about a few things you can do to change your thinking that will help you make the decision to begin. It all begins in your brain, with a thought. ~Amy


Exmormonology Ep. 03 Grief & Pain & Your Mormon Faith Crisis


Exmormonology Ep. 01 The Moment, My Faith Crisis Story