Exmormonolgy ~ The Irreverent Sessions #8


Jim and I sat down, had a few drinks and pontificated about mormonism. Some of the topics up for discussion... Seeing things with your spiritual eyes.

Jim and I sat down, had a few drinks and pontificated about mormonism. Some of the topics up for discussion...

  • Seeing things with your spiritual eyes.

  • TikTok @exmormonology and @brashreligion

  • Whiskey Sour

  • Polygamy

  • Amy is old

  • Ordering drinks

  • Why people drink

  • Church distractions

  • Second Anointing

  • Initiatories

  • Brochure upon name removal from church records

  • Doubts are of the devil

Cozy up and laugh loudly with us. 


Exmormonology Ep. 50 Where I Am Now ~ 15 Years Post Mormon Faith Crisis


Exmormonology Ep. 49 ~ The Second Wave of Leaving The Mormon Church